VFX Scripts:
All scripts unless otherwise stated are released under the MIT license
Nuke: Python Proxy Module
A Nuke proxy module, so you can have features like autocomplete in external IDEs.
Originally generated with the Python Proxy Generator, found in the tools page.
Maya: Python Proxy Module
A Maya proxy module, so you can have features like autocomplete in external IDEs.
Originally generated with the Python Proxy Generator, found in the tools page.
Houdini: Python Proxy Module
A Houdini proxy module, so you can have features like autocomplete in external IDEs.
Originally generated with the Python Proxy Generator, found in the tools page.
Maya: Coords to Nuke
This script is for exporting out the XYZ coordinates of an animated object in Maya
so you can make use of it in Nuke.
One use for this is taking the coordinates along with a Reconcile3d node to track an
object in 2D space.
Maya: Select Any Node
This script is to make selecting any node in Maya a lot simpler, it gathers all the
nodes and displays them either alphabetically or categorizes them by type.
One use for this is when you're using the Node Editor and accidentally deselect
a Node and can't remember what it was called, this along with keeping track of
everything going on in your scene.
Example video:
Maya: Basic Rig Builder
This is a tool to help build rigs in Maya, it supports saving/loading rig data,
building IKs and tools to help generate joints faster then conventional methods.
Its indended use is to generates basic useable rigs in a short space of time.
It does not help with blend shapes or set driven keys.
To install it, put contents in your maya folder eg:
Example video:
Maya 2016: Point Cloud Viewer for (Exports out of Nuke)
This tool allows you to import point clouds into Maya, from Nuke (Gizmo included).
To install it, put the maya contents in your maya folder eg:
Example video:
Maya Plugin (Python): Math Evaluation Node
This plugin creates a node which allows you to write mathematical equations straight
into it. It also supports 5 variables which you can name, the values of which can be
either written in, or obtained from somewhere else in Maya.
This node also supports all the functions/variables built into Pythons math module:
acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, ceil, copysign, cos, cosh, degrees, e,
erf, erfc, exp, expm1, fabs, factorial, floor, fmod, frexp, fsum, gamma, hypot, isinf,
isnan, ldexp, lgamma, log, log10, log1p, modf, pi, pow, radians, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan,
tanh and trunc.
It also adds a menu "Alister" where you can easily create this node.
UPDATE: Changed 5 variables to 10.
Example videos:
Houdini: Unfuse OTL
This OTL unfuses polygons, seperating them out back into primatives, I made this
OTL primarily because this is such a simple thing but has prooven to be fairly
Example video:
ALiSTER Nuke Gizmos/Scripts Collection
This is a collection of gizmos and scripts that I have created for Nuke.
To use it, copy the contents into your .nuke directory
CreateSnapshot (Creates a portable snapshot of your current script, with an option to compress it)
BakeNodes (Converts all gizmos, along with their settings to groups)
CopyGeoToPoints (Copies multiple cards to an object file)
AtmospherePlanes (Creates a series of planes which can be used with scanline renders for atmosphere effects)
ExportTrackers (Export Nuke trackers, intended for use with Silhouette)
CreateAutoScript (Allows you quickly lay down a series of nodes)
VRayFixer (Fixes normals and depth from VRay, to be like that generated in Nuke)
PSlice (Allows you to isolate areas depending on where they are in world space)
ZAtmosphere (Similar to AtmospherePlanes, but uses zDepth to drive it)
ChromaticAberration (Used to mimic chromatic aberration)
DeepHoudiniConvert (Used to convert deep images generated in Houdini, to work in Nuke 7)
ALiSTER ReGrain (Used to mix up grain generated from a DeNoise node)
NorthernLightsGenerator (Used to recreate the Northen Lights within Nuke)
RotoCentroid (Tool to find the Centroid of Rotoshapes, based upon the area distribution of the shape)
Example videos:
Game Scripts:
All scripts unless otherwise stated are released under the MIT license
Unity: Scatter Points (Class)
This Unity class scatters points randomly across the Surface of geometry, it can be given
a seed, or alternatively will randomly generate one for each time it's called to update.
This class is based off the Scatter node found within Houdini.
Unity: Copy To Points(Class)
This Unity class copies geometry using data from a point array fed into it, for instance
that given by the ScatterPoints class above.
This class is based off the Copy node found within Houdini.
Unity: Copy (Class)
This Unity class creates copies of geometry and can apply translate, rotation and scale
in a procedural context.
This class is based off the Copy node found within Houdini.
Unity: Rigid Character Motor(Class)
This Unity class created a keyboard / mouse driven controller for an GameObject you can
map the keys as you see fit, change the way gravity affects it, along with control over
whether or not you want this to be for third person, or first person.
This class uses forces to drive the GameObject in question, as such requires a RigidBody
to be attached the GameObject beforehand.
Example Projects:
Unity: Scatter Points with Copy To Points Example (Project)
An example project of the Scatter Points and Copy To Points classes, with a custom
script attached.
Unity: Copy Example (Project)
An example project of the Copy class, with a custom script attached.
Unity: Rigid Character Motor (Project)
An example project of the Rigid Character Motor class, with a custom script attached.